Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Innovation Invocation

Every quarter the top 500 leaders of Methodist Healthcare gather to see how we are doing and where we are going. We call this the "quarterly business review," but it is really a mission review. Today we gathered in 8 locations linked by video broadcast from the Innovation Studio in the Center of Excellence. We were sobered by the stunning images of the wrecked hospital in Joplin, so I opened with the following prayer.

God of every past, you have drawn 10,000 of us together from Arkansas and Mississippi and every part of Memphis, but also Pakistan, Scotland, India, Africa and every part of the United States. What a wondrous thing you have woven from so many different pasts!

We see the shattered hospital in Joplin and ache at what people just like us are struggling with at this very minute. Give them strength beyond their own strength to do their labor. We cannot know what the day will ask of us. But whether we are asked for courage or quiet diligence, we thank you for bringing us into others' lives as agents of your healing.

God of what comes next, give us the spirit of curiosity about you have not yet revealed, not yet done. As we are accountable to the past, let us be accountable to the future, too. So we offer up our best without pride as the seed of something better. Revealing God, honor our earnest search for innovation so that your love and justice might flow into the lives of the patients and families and neighbors you have given us to serve. Break down our fear, break loose our imagination and break through our satisfaction with "good enough." Fulfill Ezekiel's prayer that you replace a heart of stone, with a heart of flesh. And now tune our hearts to each other as we listen for the common heartbeat of a common mission.

We know you are already saying yes, even as we offer up our prayers. So with confidence we say Amen.

- Posted on the journey

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