Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life thanks you

The Reverend Fred Smith has been my guide and pathfinder for many years in the shared work of faith and, well, all sorts of things including health.

This morning Fred sent this kind of thanksgiving anthem to that circle of collegues. It came in while the bizzaro Macy's thing was filling the streets of New York with balloons, rental elves and such. Just as I was descending into cynicism Fred pulled me toward deep gratitude.

Fred's words:

I  give thanks for
and to all of you.
for all the years
we labored together
in Faith for the Health
of all God's People.
Let's all give thanks
for all the inspiration
and soulful deliberations
that has shaped our
common vocations
Life gives thanks
for those who have chosen it
and pursue living
with academic rigor
and the passion
of an evangelist
to a dying world.
From one end of the world
to the other
God gives thanks to all of you
who know
no boundaries
But are deeply woven
together in the Beloved Community 
Shalom to you...

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